Collected information about the solar energy communities04.03.2025STARTSUN projekta ietvaros partneri pētīja, kādi ir energokopienu modeļi un labās prakses Latvijas kaimiņvalstīs un Eiropā un ir izstrādājuši Saules energokopienu ceļvedi, kas iepazīstina ar energokopienām Latvijā, Igaunijā, Somijā, Zviedrijā un citās valstīs.
Seminar of the Ministry of Economics and ALTUM “New #EUFunds support program for increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings”10.02.2025
ZREA announces market research on accounting services29.01.2025
StartSun project partners meeting in Riga: cooperation in the development of solar energy communities02.01.2025
Applications for funding for the purchase of electric vehicles and the creation of their charging infrastructure have begun02.12.2024