BEAN - Baltijas enerģetikas aģentūru sadarbības tīkls

Energy efficiency is an important contribution to the climate work. With funding from the Swedish Institute five Energy Agencies around the Baltic Sea have been given the opportunity to work with this and other energy related issues in order to help reach the EU´s targets for the Baltic Sea region.
The BEAN projects intention is that through a cross boarder action support the transition of the Baltic Sea Region into a sustainable region, to communicate best practices and to assist in the development of innovative practices within the energy sector.
The BEAN project is the starting point for a larger joint project within energy efficiency in the region. During 2014 the partnership will find the most effective topic to work with and start the application process.
The aim in the long run is to expand the partnership of BEAN into a network with other energy agencies in the Baltic Sea region. The network will strengthen and combine the knowledge and experience already existing within the energy agencies as well as facilitate collaboration within projects in order to support the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region.
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